...You & your skin cells living your best life

Refine & Glow

60 Minutes - £67

Smoothed, refined & glowing

This facial treatment begins with a luxurious cleansing ritual, meling away impurities and soothing your senses, whilst you sink into crisp muslin sheets under a weighted blanket. After warm towel removal, a professional enyzme treatment containing fruit acids is applied to lift away any old and redundant skin cells, eliminating the need for harsh or abrasive methods of exfoliation. Your skin will be left smooth, refined and glowing.

Recharging your batteries

After the enzyme removal, you can relax for a full 20 minute session under our Dermalux Tri Wave MD, the most powerful LED light therapy device in the world!  Not only does LED light therapy charge up the 'batteries' in your skin cells, which is the mitocondria, it is also brings about a sense of wellbeing as serotonin levels your brain are increased. The effects of this postive light continue long after the treatment has ended with clients noticing more radiant skin in the days following the treatment.


...You and your skin cells living your best life

Refine & Glow

60 minutes - £67

Smooth, refined & glowing

This facial treatment begins with a luxurious cleansing ritual, meling away impurities and soothing your senses, whilst you sink into crisp muslin sheets under a weighted blanket. After  warm towel removal, a professional enyzme treatment containing fruit acids is applied to lift away any old and redundant skin cells, without the need for harsh or abrasive methods of exfoliation. Your skin will be left smooth, refined and glowing.

Recharge your batteries

After the enzyme removal, you can relax for a full 20 minute session under our Dermalux Tri Wave MD, the most powerful LED light therapy device in the world! Not only does LED charge up the 'batteries' in your skin cells, the mitocondria, it is also brings about a sense of wellbeing as serotonin levels your brain are increased. The effects of this postive light continue long after the treatment has ended with clients noticing more radiant skin in the days following the treatment.

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